Routinemäßig trifft sich das gesamte Dorfteam, vom Gärtner bis zum Sicherheitsdienst, einmal im Monat zum gemeinsamen Teambuilding Event. Aufgrund der aktuellen Kriegssituation wurde beschlossen, eine besondere Erfahrung für das Team zu gestalten. Ein professioneller Musikcoach wurde eingeladen und ein gemeinsames Lied einstudiert. Das Original kennt sicher der ein oder andere. Wir haben ein tolles und sehr emotionales Video erhalten.
Song: Sunbeam von Benaia Barabi
Don't go
my sunbeam
our day hasn't ended yet
why are you, hiding
clouds all over
Don't cry, like the rain
isn't it a shame to waste the tears?
warm hands, want
to embrace you for hours
I'll put on songs that you love
i'll give you a day to relax
i'm captured when you laugh
like this at me
tell me what you want
so that i won't have any excuse
when there aren't any words you get emotional
like this at me.
it enhances your beauty
it makes my day
if suddenly you fall asleep
you'll smile also when your dream
Planes in the skies
people on trains
don't cry, my sunbeam
this is your time to live
I'll put on songs that you love
i'll give you a day to relax
i'm captured when you laugh
like this at me
tell me what you want
so that i won't have any excuse
when there aren't any words you get emotional
like this at me.
Don't cry, my sunbeam
take the last verse for yourself
how do you always say
we'll meet at first light
I'll put on songs that you love
i'll give you a day to relax
i'm captured when you laugh
like this at me
Tell me what you want
so that i won't have any excuse
when there aren't any words you get emotional
like this at me.